Helpful Resources


Worried about money? ‘Advice and support is available in if you’re struggling to make ends meet’
Please see the leaflet here for resources (click here for the leaflet in Polish) including help for refugee’s, waiting for benefits, debt, sudden financial needs, not having enough money to cover your outgoings and more. &

Need an emergency payment? Bristol City Council offer an ‘emergency payment’ for certain circumstances such as a delay in benefits, loosing your job or no money for food. Please see the link here:


Emergency food is available from North Bristol Food Bank. You will need a referral from a local agency in order to get a voucher (The Foodbank will help you with this). For more information about the food bank and how to get a referral see here:

Food Club @ The Vench - the food club at the Vench aims to tackle food waste from super markets whilst supplying the community with affordable food. You have to register and reserve a spot in order to take part. At your slot you will be given a large share of food to take home for £3.50 every Tuesday or Friday.

Support for parents

Emergency Housing / Facing homelessness

Mental Health Support

Support through a brew, biscuits and a chat, for men aged 18+ that are going through a storm: