Community Climate Action book talk event success.


Karen Edkins our Community Climate Action project lead says:

I would like to thank Karen Bell, Lindsay Wall and all the people that turned up to the Community Climate Action group event last night at Cameron Centre, talking about her book "Working-Class Environmentalism - an agenda for a just and fair transition to sustainability".

It was a thought provoking, emotional and enlightening experience for all which sparked an interesting, lively and meaningful debate. Dora Young who is currently working on environmental research in Southmead and a big fan of Karen Bell's work said "It was great to meet my idol."
Karen opened up and spoke very freely about her own experiences of being working class, how poverty affected her family, remembering the chill aches from the lack of heating in her childhood home.
Karen has lived in Lockleaze for over 25 years and active in Lockleaze Environment group for more than 10. She spoke about how it took 10 years to get trees on Gainsborough square and how she was repeatedly told that it was dangerous to have trees, but as she said if this had been Clifton residents asking, this would not have been an issue. She talked about how the community in Lockleaze values the green spaces it has and how devastating it is for many to see the butchering of much-loved spaces such as Bonington walk. An accessible sanctuary away from vehicles, that is so vital to people's mental health.

Karen explained that the majority of the working-class people she interviewed for the book said they were put off engaging with mainstream environmental organisations because of negative experiences.

Her book and article in The Guardian documents how 'In spite of this, many had organised their own local environmental campaigns, including to address pollution, preserve green space and resist toxic developments. Their activities rarely reach the media unless they are particularly creative or dramatic.' 
Also stressing, 'We should also not overlook the massive trade union contribution to environmentalism through the struggle for health and safety in the workplace. Environmental standards are often developed only when illnesses among workers become too glaringly obvious to ignore.'

Karen said we shouldn't be pointing the finger at poorer communities and expecting them to make changes, as they are consumed with everyday issues of trying to get through real life. That we need to change the system to enable people to help themselves, which I totally agree with. There is no use telling people to stop using their cars when there is no reliable affordable public transport for them. It's a beyond many peoples' reach to have organic vegetables with less packaging when the only thing on offer in their area is processed and packaged food.

I am a big believer that everybody can make a change and the individual has power, but I totally agree with Karen that a system change is what is needed. This community plan is an opportunity for us to tell the council what we as the Lockleaze community want, how we can protect and improve our environment to improve our health and wellbeing, now and in the future.

I feel it was an enlightening night for all. It has definitely had an impact on me and made me question the whole Community Climate Action plan and how we can make the best of this opportunity.

'For almost 50 years, trade unions internationally have been calling for a “just transition” to sustainability. These struggles demonstrate that working-class people have been, and continue to be, environmental leaders. We are both metaphorically and literally at the coal-face of environmental deterioration because we tend to work in the most hazardous environments, live in the unhealthiest neighbourhoods, and are the least able to find individual solutions such as changing jobs and homes. With a greater direct experience of environmental degradation, we have a strong vested interest in achieving sustainability.' - Karen Bell.

If you are interested in getting involved with Community Climate Action group in Lockleaze please contact

Read more at:

Article in Guardian
'A working-class green movement is out there but not getting the credit it deserves'

Karen Bell
Fri 11 Oct 2019 07.00 BST Guardian


Working-Class Environmentalism - An Agenda for a Just and Fair Transition to Sustainability
Authors: Bell, Karen
Published by Palgrave